event 2024 11 10 teleconference agenda

event 2024 11 10 teleconference agenda

Registration Required

This is a private teleconference for registrants only. Most of the content on this page requires a password.

This teleconference is not intended for the general public. It is primarily for lawyers who have been admitted to the bar (at one time or another) in California. Others who may attend are those who are attending or have graduated a law school and those who have personally filed a civil proceeding (other than small claims) and appeared at hearings or trials in their own capacity (not represented by a lawyer).

To register, do the following.

Text "cle," your county, your e-mail address, and your bar number OR other qualification from the list above to 909-378-5401.

On the evening of January 3, 2025, you will receive a text with a URL to this page with a password in it. Clicking the link will bring you to this page, where additional content will appear, including how to join the call. You tacitly agree that you will not share that link.

Every teleconference is presented live. If you have attended a previous call with a similar agenda, you may wish to attend a subsequent call because the delivery may vary and the questions from attendees will vary.

Teleconference Details

January 4, 2025 (Saturday) 08:00 PM (Pacific)
Richard Michael (bigbadbonds.com)

Suggested Preparation

We will primarily be discussing appellate level opinions. We will presume that attendees understand the significance of such opinions as well as the difference between discussions, dicta, and holdings.

You will get the most from the call if you have read the following opinions:

Lawyers from Best Best & Kreiger LLP conducted a CLE webinar in August 2018 that focused on local electons with respect to electioneering, registrar duties, and related challenges. The training included post-election remedies. This is our analysis of that training which includes a link to the BBK recording.

We will be referring to other material that is already on the web. In order for you to get the most from the call, please be at your computer and on the landing ("No on Measure") page of the measure that interests you most or any measure from your county. The landing page is heavily linked, so you can quickly jump to anything we refer to on the call. All landing pages can be accessed from our home page in two clicks.


There is no preview of the agenda for this call.

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