honest ballots voter guide

honest ballots voter guide

Honest Ballots(sm) Voter Guide for November 5, 2024

Los Angeles County

Honest Ballots(sm) refers to the manner in which the county registrar of voters prints the ballot question (a.k.a., ballot label) on the ballot for local measures submitted to the voters.

The Elections Code sections in Chapter 2 of Division 13 (beginning with section 13100) determine what is printed on the ballot. Consequently, if a statute does not specify it, it is not allowed.

The law requires honest ballots. The registrar has a mandatory ministerial duty to produce honest ballots. The registrar willfully neglects that duty. Consequently, the registrar produces dishonest ballots, at least for local measures.

Many of these measures do not conform to the requirements of the sections in Chapter 2. To simplify it, the focus of this voter guide is on section 13119 (the ballot question). If the ballot question does not conform, the effect is that the government is taking sides in the election using public moneys (your taxes). This violates your rights under the constitution.

Therefore, we recommend that, no matter how good or bad you believe the policy underlying the measure is, that you vote no. This is a principled vote against the government cheating to win an election using the ballot.

Click on the Measure letter (school bonds only) for a detailed analysis of the school bond fraud.

Why would anyone with school-aged children send their children to a government school where the people who run the schools lie and cheat? Just asking.

In this period just before the end of election month, agencies with measures on the ballot are likely to be conducting "informational" activities on public property. This is especially true of school and college districts. We just published an article about this subject (WARNING: Using School Property (Resources) to Promote Bond Measure Is Criminal). It not only points out the illegality of much of the activities, but more importantly shows how you can take advantage of it, if you know the law.

Many people find our district-specific opposition pages. Few connect. That's a shame. While you may satisfy your need for reasons to know how you should cast your vote, you miss out on connecting, not only with us, but with all the others in your district.

Additional Resources:

Election Cheating
You likely won't believe until you see it. You just have to know what to look for.
Stanson Notice (Los Angeles County Registrar, Board of Supervisors
The perps have been put on notice. Criminal complaints, grand jury accusations may follow.
Stanson Notice (Los Angeles Treasurer)
The treasurer has the highest fiduciary duty when it comes to the expenditure of public moneys. Big trouble lies ahead for election expenditures and, when bond money is expended, those expenditures.
Sample Ballot Arguments / Rebuttals
Most arguments that you will read in the county voter information are very weak, and honestly quite lame. These arguments go for the jugular. In August 2022, thanks to the Libertarian Party state chair, the county registrars were forced to print these arguments (for over 50 measures in 16 counties) potentially being read by over 10,000,000 voters. We even beat back a court challenge in one county. Are there people willing to blanket the state with these or even more aggressive arguments for the off-year special measure elections in 2025 and in all the elections in 2026? You have to connect. We can't do it alone.
Grand Jury Reports
In 2021 and 2022, three different grand juries issued reports on the local measure question fraud. This is one of the reports. Guided by corrupt county counsel advising the grand juries, they all missed setting the responsibility on the culprit, the registrar. After all, it's county counsel's mandatory duty to defend the registrar. This screams conflict of interest. We have strategies and tactics for grand juries. We need people who are willing to connect with us to accomplish a literal coup d'etat.

If you know of a "No" campaign that has a web site (domain) or a blog or a web page, we will link to it from the voter guide. Sorry, but we do not link to social media accounts, such as those on Facebook or X (Twitter). To add a link please text #HonestBallots, county, measure letter, and the URL to 909-378-5401.

Richard Speaking

Today we received a message from a bond supporter in Monterey County.

We usually don't reply because of the amount of time involved in responding to the propaganda voters have been fed. In general, supporters have been brainwashed or have something to gain from a school bond passing.

The lady who wrote asked us "what have you done in the way of researching a solution for our local schools that desperately need the funding?" (The old "shift the burden" stratagem. How is this our job?) She wanted us "to offer a community-based solution on how to upgrade our local schools." If you're familiar with Newspeak, you'll understand the added adjective preceding "solution." "Desperately" means that the district officials have misspent all their sources of funding in favor of themselves, rather than the "community." By that we mean the superintendent pulls in over $200K, almost all the teachers get well over $100K and even the bus drivers are pulling in $85K. (Remember, teachers work about 185 days a year, not 250 days (5 days x 50 weeks) like us working-class stiffs.) The district has four K-8 schools in a non-wealthy area. Total enrollment has declined about 17% in the last four years.

Our message (about 20 minutes long) was recorded on October 11, 2015. Today is October 11, 2024. We thought it unusually serendipitous and synchronisticly Jungian at the same time. So here it is. Nine years ago we were focused on the constitutional language of Proposition 39. We haven't abandoned that thinking, but we subsequently recognized that voters almost never read the measure and most don't even know that California has a constitution. They do, however, read the ballot label.

To improve the quality of education; modernize outdated classrooms and school facilities; replace leaky roofs; and make safety improvements at drop-off and pickup areas; shall the measure authorizing [school district name] to issue $18,200,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $1.08 million annually as long as bonds are outstanding at approximately $19 per $100,000 assessed value, be adopted, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

We redacted the school district name in part to demonstrate how generic school bond measure ballot labels have become. It's plain and simple cheating -- the government taking sides in the election using tax dollars -- on the ballot. This is a product of the moral relativism driven by constant government and media-entertainment complex propaganda. "It's ok to cheat for a good cause." Sorry, Charlie! It's wrong to cheat working-class voters (the rich ones don't send their kids to government schools) out of their sustenance.

You can see the complete web site on which this recording was posted here.

The rest of the story: The district lost the election by 72 votes.

By the way, every opposition page is set up to display video and audio recordings. Just create one and send us the link to play it on the page.

Vote NO! on these Los Angeles County measures.
Courtesy of California School Bonds Clearinghouse
Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.
MeasureAgencyTypeQuestionBond AmountTax RateTax
ACounty of Los Angelestransactions and use taxHOMELESSNESS SERVICES AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING ... end it, with new audits and oversight, be adopted?--1/4 cent$1,076,076,350
BCity of BellflowercharterShall the Bellflower City Charter to establish Bellflower ... the charter be approved by voters, be approved?-- 
CEast Whittier City ElementaryProp 39 bondTo provide neighborhood schools that meet current ... citizen oversight, all money locallycontrolled?$97,000,000$30.00$223,100,000
DCity of Downeytransactions and use taxPublic Safety/Local Control Measure
To maintain ... controlled benefiting Downey residents, be adopted?
--1/4 cent$6,000,000
ECounty of Los Angelesparcel taxCONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT OF LOS ... with independent citizens oversight, be adopted?--6¢/sq.ft. improvemnets +2%$152,000,000
FCity of Santa Monicabusiness license taxMEASURE F: To fund essential city services such ... $3,000,000 annually, until ended by voters, be adopted?--0.25% corp hq$3,000,000
... in the charter amendment ordinance, be adopted?
HMountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, Division 1parcel taxTo preserve local habitat and wildlife corridors ... Mountains/ Hollywood Hills east of 405 freeway?--$65.00$1,857,000
ICity of ArtesiacharterShall a measure be adopted to amend the Artesia ... Corridor Specific Plan to be approved by voters?-- 
JSnowline Joint UnifiedProp 39 bondTo improve the quality of local schools, repair ... NO funds for salaries, all money staying local?$70,600,000$40.00$140,900,000
KCity of Santa Monicaparking taxMEASURE K: To enhance public safety, create safe ... $6,700,000 annually until ended by voters, be adopted?--8% incr.$6,700,000
LFullerton Joint Union HighProp 39 bondLocal High School Improvement Measure. To repair/upgrade ... with citizen oversight and all money staying local?$284,000,000$21.00$538,037,756
MSan Marino UnifiedProp 39 bondSan Marino School Safety and Repair Measure. ... annual audits, all funds for San Marino Schools?$200,000,000$60.00$400,000,000
NSaugus Union SFID #2014-1Prop 39 bondSAUGUS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS, ... audits, oversight, and all funds for local schools?$187,000,000$30.00$430,100,000
OCulver City Unifiedparcel taxTo renew expiring local school funding without increasing ... eight years, that cannot be taken by the State?--$189.00$2,400,000
PLowell JointProp 39 bondTo provide safe, modern elementary/intermediate ... oversight, annual audits, al/funds used locally?$54,000,000$30.00$105,672,266
QParamount UnifiedProp 39 bondParamount Unified School District Repair/Safety ... citizen oversight and all money locally controlled?$190,000,000$60.00$385,000,000
RPasadena UnifiedProp 39 bondWith funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall ... funds eligibility and public disclosure of spending?$900,000,000$60.00$1,600,000,000
SRedondo Beach UnifiedProp 39 bondRedondo Beach School Repair/Student Safety Measure. ... spending disclosure and all funds locally controlled?$278,000,000$29.95$567,800,000
TCity of MaywoodcharterCity of Maywood Appointive City Treasurer Measure
... the office of the City Treasurer be appointive?
ULynwood UnifiedProp 39 bondTo repair and improve aging neighborhood schools ... independent audits, and all money locally controlled?$80,000,000$50.00$184,000,000
VMt. San Antonio CCDProp 39 bondMT. SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SAFETY, ... disclosure, citizens' oversight, independent audits?$750,000,000$18.00$1,540,000,000
WWhittier City ElementaryProp 39 bondTo improve the quality of local schools; repair ... money for salaries and all money staying local?$99,000,000$30.00$227,700,000
XGlendale UnifiedreorganizationTo permanently transfer certain territory from the ... transferred to the La Canada Unified School District?-- 
YCity of PomonacharterShall the City Charter be amended to require that ... administer funding for said programs and services?-- 
ZCity of Glendoratransactions and use taxTo maintain and enhance existing City services including ... the voters, to ensure that all funds stay local?--1/4 cent$3,000,000
AACity of CudahycharterMeasure AA
Shall the ordinance limiting the ... Council be limited to three (3) terms be adopted?
ACLong Beach CCDProp 39 bondLONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AFFORDABLE ... requiring audits, oversight, all funds used locally?$990,000,000$25.00$1,866,479,821
ASArcadia UnifiedProp 39 bondARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL SAFETY/REPAIR ... disclosure, audits, all funds for Arcadia schools?$358,000,000 $59.97$703,392,736
BCBeach Cities Health DistrictProp 5 bondBEACH CITIES HEALTH DISTRICT COMMUNITY HEALTH AND ... financial accountability requirements, be adopted?"$30,000,000$30.00$69,000,000
BECity of Monterey Parkbusiness license taxShall an ordinance, without increasing taxes on ... disclosure, funds locally controlled, be adopted?--$75.00 per $1,000 gross receipts$1,200,000
CACity of ComptoncharterShall the Compton City Charter be amended to make ... at least ten years of municipal law experience?-- 
CCCompton CCDProp 39 bondCOMPTON COLLEGE REP AIR, JOB TRAINING/ EDUCATION ... requiring audits, oversight, all funds used locally?$200,000,000$20.00$460,000,000
DDCity of Los AngelescharterINDEPENDENT REDISTRICTING COMMISSION FOR THE CITY ... lines every ten years in the City of Los Angeles?-- 
EEPasadena Unifiedparcel taxWith funds that cannot be taken by the State and ... annual audits, and full disclosure of all spending?--$90.00$5,000,000
EMCity of El Montetransactions and use taxKeep El Monte Sales Tax Revenues Local Measure
... voters to raise an additional $3,500,000 annually?
--3/4 cent$10,500,000
ERCity of Los AngelescharterCITY ETHICS COMMISSION AUTHORITY AND OPERATIONAL ... increase penalties for violations of City laws?-- 
FFCity of Los AngelescharterLOS ANGELES FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS; PEACE OFFICERS. ... and Police Department members for prior transfers?-- 
FPCity of Redondo BeachProp 5 bondTo recruit/retain qualified firefighters/paramedics/police, ... disclosure, and all funds spent locally, be adopted?$93,350,000$28.32$182,004,931
GGMountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, Division 2parcel taxTo preserve local habitat and wildlife corridors ... communities of Woodland Hills, Encino, and Tarzana?--$38.00$614,000
HBCity of Hermosa Beachtransactions and use taxShall the measure protecting essential services ... committee and all funds staying local, be adopted?--3/4 cent$3,000,000
HCCity of Long BeachcharterShall the measure amending the Charter to reduce ... changing the Harbor budget approval date, be adopted?-- 
HHCity of Los AngelescharterCITY GOVERNANCE, APPOINTMENTS, AND ELECTIONS. CHARTER ... regarding City governance, appointments, and elections?-- 
HVHermosa Beach City ElementaryProp 39 bondTo improve the quality of education; construct new ... money for salaries and all money staying local?$28,700,000$13.15$66,010,000
IICity of Los AngelescharterCITY ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS. CHARTER AMENDMENT ... clarifications related to City administration and operations?-- 
IRCity of Irwindaletransactions and use taxIrwindale General Services Measure
Shall the ... voters; and funds only for Irwindale, be adopted?
--1/4 cent$1,000,000
JBCity of Long BeachcharterShall the measure amending the City's Charter to ... certain internships/apprenticeships, be adopted?-- 
LBCity of Long Beachutility users taxShall the measure to maintain general city services, ... disclosure, and all funds used locally, be adopted?--5%$15,000,000
LGCity of Monterey Parktransient occupancy taxShall the ordinance providing funding for City of ... disclosure, funds locally controlled, be adopted?--12% to 13%$500,000
LLCity of Los Angeles and Los Angeles UnifiedcharterINDEPENDENT REDISTRICTING COMMISSION FOR THE LOS ... years in the Los Angeles Unified School District?-- 
LPLocal Public Schools Funding Authority SFID #2016-1Prop 39 bondTo repair/ improve classrooms/ facilities; fix deteriorating ... citizens oversight, and all money staying local?$89,000,000$16.20$200,000,000
LRCity of Paramountbusiness license taxShall the measure with no tax increase on residents ... spending disclosure, funds used locally, be adopted?--!missing$350,000
LSLancaster ElementaryProp 39 bondTo retain teachers, provide safe, modern elementary ... citizen oversight, and all money locally controlled?$122,100,000$30.00$280,830,000
MCCity of MaywoodcharterCity of Maywood Appointive City Clerk Measure
... />Shall the office of the City Clerk be appointive?
MEEl Monte CityProp 39 bondTo upgrade neighborhood elementary schools by modernizing ... oversight, audits, and public disclosure of all spending?$105,000,000$30.00$241,500,000
MMSanta Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2Prop 39 bondMALIBU SCHOOLS REPAIR/IMPROVEMENT BOND MEASURE. ... audits, and all funds for Malibu public schools only?$395,000,000$39.95$790,920,958
PACity of PasadenacharterShall amendments to Pasadena City Charter, Article ... changes to Campaign Contribution Limits, be adopted?-- 
PBCity of PasadenacharterShall amendments to Pasadena City Charter, Article ... remaining members of the City Council, be adopted?-- 
PCCity of PasadenacharterShall amendments to Pasadena City Charter, Article ... five total terms in the same office, be adopted?-- 
PDCity of Palmdaletransactions and use taxPalmdale Essential Services Protection Measure
... use tax for the City, or otherwise – be adopted?
PFCity of PasadenacharterShall an amendment to Section 1502 of the Pasadena ... resolution of the Retirement Board, be adopted?-- 
PHPuente Hills Habitat Preservation Authorityparcel taxPuente Hills Preserve (Turnbull Canyon, Hacienda ... audits, citizen oversight, funds locally controlled?--1 cent / building sq.ft. +3%$1,150,000
PLCity of PasadenaProp 5 bondPASADENA CENTRAL LIBRARY EARTHQUAKE RETROFIT, REPAIR, ... disclosure, all funds staying local, be adopted?$195,000,000$28.90$448,500,000
PRCity of PasadenacharterShall amendments to Pasadena City Charter, Article ... deadlines; and make other minor corrections, be adopted?-- 
PSCity of Sierra Madreparcel taxShall this measure to fund and maintain police, ... parcels - $660 per parcel per year; be adopted?--$480.00 sgl-fam. res., $576.00 multi-fam. res., $660.00 non-res. +cpi$2,037,000
QQCity of Duartecannabis business taxMEASURE QQ CANNABIS RETAIL SALES AND TAX Shall a ... $2,526,250 annually until ended by voters be adopted?--10% gross receipts$2,526,250
QSSanta Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1Prop 39 bondSANTA MONICA SCHOOLS REPAIR/IMPROVEMENT BOND ... audits, and all funds for Santa Monica schools only?$495,000,000$29.95$879,372,000
RBCity of Redondo BeachcharterPROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT. Shall the measure be ... ballot materials be "mailed" to "made available"?-- 
RHRio Hondo CCDProp 39 bondRio Hondo College Upgrade, Repair, Safety Measure. ... disclosure, all funds benefitting Rio Hondo College?$442,200,000$25.00$1,017,060,000
RULos NietosProp 39 bondLOS NIETOS SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR AND UPDATE ... no funds for administrator salaries or pensions?$28,500,000$30.00$63,000,000
SDCity of Redondo BeachcharterPROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT. Shall Article ... in the Education Code of the State of California?-- 
SGSan Gabriel UnifiedProp 39 bondTo upgrade classrooms, science labs, career-training ... independent audits, and all money locally controlled?$178,000,000$44.00$409,400,000
SMCity of San Marinoparcel taxShall an ordinance be adopted to continue the Special ... to an annual cost of living increase, until 2029?--!missing$3,700,000
SPCity of South Pasadenaland useSouth Pasadena Neighborhood Preservation, Local ... necessary to implement South Pasadena's Housing Element?-- 
STLos NietosProp 39 bondLOS NIETOS SCHOOL DISTRICT SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY ... no funds for administrator salaries or pensions?$26,500,000$28.00$58,500,000
TCCity of TorrancecharterShall City of Torrance's Charter (established in ... disclosure, independent audits of all City spending?-- 
USLos Angeles UnifiedProp 39 bondLocal Public Schools Safety and Upgrades Measure: ... approximately 2059, with audits/citizens' oversight?$9,000,000,000$25.00$20,700,000,000
UUPomona UnifiedProp 39 bondPOMONA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSROOM REPAIR, ... disclosure, all funds for Pomona Unified schools?$385,000,000$60.00$833,500,000
WHCity of West Hollywoodtransactions and use taxWest Hollywood Local Control, Public Safety Measure:
... requiring audits/spending disclosure, be adopted?
--1/4 cent$5,000,000
YMCity of Lancastertransactions and use taxLancaster Essential Services Protection Measure
... use tax for the City, or otherwise – be adopted?
ZZCity of Azusatransactions and use taxCity of Azusa Public Safety, Community Services, ... requiring audits/spending disclosure, be adopted?--1/4 cent$2,500,000
AAACity of Artesiatransactions and use taxCITY OF ARTESIA PUBLIC SAFETY/ CITY SERVICES MEASURE ... disclosure/all funds benefit Artesia residents, be adopted?--3/4 cent$2,500,000
ABCBurbank UnifiedProp 39 bondTo improve the quality of education; make health, ... money for salaries, and all money staying local?$458,205,000$40.69$1,053,871,500
AVHAntelope Valley Union HighProp 39 bondAntelope Valley High Schools/Job Skills Improvement ... citizen oversight, spending disclosure, local control?$398,000,000$20.00$797,000,000
GCCGlendale CCDProp 39 bondGLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AFFORDABLE HIGHER EDUCATION/ ... independent oversight, public spending disclosure?$600,000,000$25.00$1,380,000,000
MMBCity of Manhattan Beachtransactions and use taxTo provide funding for general city services in ... audits, and all money locally controlled, be adopted?--1/2 cent$5,000,000
RLSManhattan Beach UnifiedProp 39 bondMEASURE REPAIRING MANHATTAN BEACH SCHOOLS WITHOUT ... oversight/spending disclosure, all funds locally controlled?$200,000,000$32.00$460,000,000
SEMSouth El Montetransactions and use taxSOUTH EL MONTE LOCALLY-CONTROLLED SERVICES MEASURE. ... and continues until repealed by voters be adopted?--1/4 cent$1,600,000
SFSCity of Santa Fe Springsparcel taxSANTA FE SPRINGS DEDICATED POTHOLE, ROAD REPAIR ... oversight, spending disclosure, all funds used locally?--7¢/sq.ft comm., 3.5¢/sq.ft ind. +2%$6,000,000
SOSPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedProp 39 bondPalos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District ... administrator salaries, and all funds locally controlled?$297,800,000$29.49$455,300,000

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