honest ballots voter guide

honest ballots voter guide

Honest Ballots(sm) Voter Guide for November 5, 2024

San Mateo County

Honest Ballots(sm) refers to the manner in which the county registrar of voters prints the ballot question (a.k.a., ballot label) on the ballot for local measures submitted to the voters.

The Elections Code sections in Chapter 2 of Division 13 (beginning with section 13100) determine what is printed on the ballot. Consequently, if a statute does not specify it, it is not allowed.

The law requires honest ballots. The registrar has a mandatory ministerial duty to produce honest ballots. The registrar willfully neglects that duty. Consequently, the registrar produces dishonest ballots, at least for local measures.

Many of these measures do not conform to the requirements of the sections in Chapter 2. To simplify it, the focus of this voter guide is on section 13119 (the ballot question). If the ballot question does not conform, the effect is that the government is taking sides in the election using public moneys (your taxes). This violates your rights under the constitution.

Therefore, we recommend that, no matter how good or bad you believe the policy underlying the measure is, that you vote no. This is a principled vote against the government cheating to win an election using the ballot.

Click on the Measure letter (school bonds only) for a detailed analysis of the school bond fraud.

Why would anyone with school-aged children send their children to a government school where the people who run the schools lie and cheat? Just asking.

In this period just before the end of election month, agencies with measures on the ballot are likely to be conducting "informational" activities on public property. This is especially true of school and college districts. We just published an article about this subject (WARNING: Using School Property (Resources) to Promote Bond Measure Is Criminal). It not only points out the illegality of much of the activities, but more importantly shows how you can take advantage of it, if you know the law.

Many people find our district-specific opposition pages. Few connect. That's a shame. While you may satisfy your need for reasons to know how you should cast your vote, you miss out on connecting, not only with us, but with all the others in your district.

Additional Resources:

Election Cheating
You likely won't believe until you see it. You just have to know what to look for.
Stanson Notice (San Mateo County Registrar, Board of Supervisors
The perps have been put on notice. Criminal complaints, grand jury accusations may follow.
Stanson Notice (San Mateo Treasurer)
The treasurer has the highest fiduciary duty when it comes to the expenditure of public moneys. Big trouble lies ahead for election expenditures and, when bond money is expended, those expenditures.
Sample Ballot Arguments / Rebuttals
Most arguments that you will read in the county voter information are very weak, and honestly quite lame. These arguments go for the jugular. In August 2022, thanks to the Libertarian Party state chair, the county registrars were forced to print these arguments (for over 50 measures in 16 counties) potentially being read by over 10,000,000 voters. We even beat back a court challenge in one county. Are there people willing to blanket the state with these or even more aggressive arguments for the off-year special measure elections in 2025 and in all the elections in 2026? You have to connect. We can't do it alone.
Grand Jury Reports
In 2021 and 2022, three different grand juries issued reports on the local measure question fraud. This is one of the reports. Guided by corrupt county counsel advising the grand juries, they all missed setting the responsibility on the culprit, the registrar. After all, it's county counsel's mandatory duty to defend the registrar. This screams conflict of interest. We have strategies and tactics for grand juries. We need people who are willing to connect with us to accomplish a literal coup d'etat.

If you know of a "No" campaign that has a web site (domain) or a blog or a web page, we will link to it from the voter guide. Sorry, but we do not link to social media accounts, such as those on Facebook or X (Twitter). To add a link please text #HonestBallots, county, measure letter, and the URL to 909-378-5401.

Richard Speaking

Today we received a message from a bond supporter in Monterey County.

We usually don't reply because of the amount of time involved in responding to the propaganda voters have been fed. In general, supporters have been brainwashed or have something to gain from a school bond passing.

The lady who wrote asked us "what have you done in the way of researching a solution for our local schools that desperately need the funding?" (The old "shift the burden" stratagem. How is this our job?) She wanted us "to offer a community-based solution on how to upgrade our local schools." If you're familiar with Newspeak, you'll understand the added adjective preceding "solution." "Desperately" means that the district officials have misspent all their sources of funding in favor of themselves, rather than the "community." By that we mean the superintendent pulls in over $200K, almost all the teachers get well over $100K and even the bus drivers are pulling in $85K. (Remember, teachers work about 185 days a year, not 250 days (5 days x 50 weeks) like us working-class stiffs.) The district has four K-8 schools in a non-wealthy area. Total enrollment has declined about 17% in the last four years.

Our message (about 20 minutes long) was recorded on October 11, 2015. Today is October 11, 2024. We thought it unusually serendipitous and synchronisticly Jungian at the same time. So here it is. Nine years ago we were focused on the constitutional language of Proposition 39. We haven't abandoned that thinking, but we subsequently recognized that voters almost never read the measure and most don't even know that California has a constitution. They do, however, read the ballot label.

To improve the quality of education; modernize outdated classrooms and school facilities; replace leaky roofs; and make safety improvements at drop-off and pickup areas; shall the measure authorizing [school district name] to issue $18,200,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $1.08 million annually as long as bonds are outstanding at approximately $19 per $100,000 assessed value, be adopted, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

We redacted the school district name in part to demonstrate how generic school bond measure ballot labels have become. It's plain and simple cheating -- the government taking sides in the election using tax dollars -- on the ballot. This is a product of the moral relativism driven by constant government and media-entertainment complex propaganda. "It's ok to cheat for a good cause." Sorry, Charlie! It's wrong to cheat working-class voters (the rich ones don't send their kids to government schools) out of their sustenance.

You can see the complete web site on which this recording was posted here.

The rest of the story: The district lost the election by 72 votes.

By the way, every opposition page is set up to display video and audio recordings. Just create one and send us the link to play it on the page.

Vote NO! on these San Mateo County measures.
Courtesy of California School Bonds Clearinghouse
Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.
MeasureAgencyTypeQuestionBond AmountTax RateTax
IBroadmoor Police Protection Districtparcel taxBROADMOOR POLICE LIMITED SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIAL ... police protection and related services, be adopted?--!missing +5%$700,000
JMillbrae ElementaryProp 39 bondTo improve all local elementary/middle schools by ... funds for administrators, and funds staying local?$95,000,000$30.00$191,000,000
KCabrillo UnifiedProp 39 bondWith funds the State cannot take and spend elsewhere, ... eligibility, audits, and public disclosure of spending?$153,400,000$60.00$269,000,000
MCity of Pacificatransient occupancy taxShall an Ordinance updating a transient occupancy ... voters and subject to annual audits, be adopted?--15%$720,000
NCabrillo Unifiedparcel taxWith funds that cannot be taken by the State and ... exemptions and full public disclosure of all spending?--$198.00$2,140,000
OSan Bruno Park Elementaryterm limitsShall the Members of the San Bruno Park School District ... the end of that Member's third consecutive term?-- 
PBelmont-Redwood Shores ElementaryProp 39 bondTo improve Belmont-Redwood Shores School District's ... State, with citizen oversight, and annual audits?$171,000,000$29.00$366,000,000
QCity of San BrunoProp 5 bondShall City of San Bruno measure be adopted to repair ... California, with citizen oversight/ independent audits?$102,000,000$30.00$234,600,000
RCity of Half Moon Baytransactions and use taxTo help the City of Half Moon Bay maintain financial ... annual audits/locally controlled funding, be adopted?--1/2 cent$2,000,000
SRavenswood City Elementaryparcel taxTo fund expanded preschool and early childhood education; ... local and subject to public oversight be adopted?--$434.00 +inf$2,700,000
TCity of San Mateoland useShall the measure to allow for additional affordable ... transit, jobs, infrastructure, and services be adopted?-- 
UMenlo Park City ElementaryProp 39 bondMenlo Park City School District Safety Measure. ... and all funds benefitting local public schools?$123,600,000$18.60$256,300,000
VCity of Foster Citybusiness license taxCity of Foster City Business License Tax Measure ... fund purposes, until ended by voters, be adopted?--$0.75 to $3.00 /$1,000 on gross receipts +inf$1,400,000
WCity of South San Franciscobusiness license taxTo maintain City services, such as: fire protection/paramedic ... voters, with annual audits and citizens' oversight?--!missing$2,600,000
XSan Bruno Park Elementaryparcel taxTo provide quality science, technology, engineering ... citizen oversight, and all money locally-controlled?--$68.00$730,000
YWoodside Elementaryparcel taxTo maintain and enhance Woodside School's academic ... older, and all funds spent only for Woodside School?--$366.66 +ann$392,000
ZJefferson Union Highparcel taxWith funds that cannot be taken by the State and ... exemptions, and public disclosure of all spending?--$95.00$3,300,000
AATown of Colmatransactions and use taxTOWN OF COLMA SALES TAX MEASURE.
To ... disclosures, funds locally controlled, be adopted?
--1/2 cent$2,300,000
BBCity of Redwood Citybusiness license taxShall the measure to maintain local city services, ... $7,000,000 annually, until ended by voters, be adopted?--$10/employee to $250/employee$7,000,000
CCCity of Menlo Parktransient occupancy taxTo maintain critical City services, such as: street/ ... taken by Sacramento, including citizen oversight?--from 12% to 15.5%$3,600,000
DDCity of Belmontbusiness license taxCity of Belmont Business License Tax Measure
... annually, requiring independent audits, be adopted?
--0.04% to 0.1% on gross receipts$1,300,000
EEPacifica Elementaryparcel taxTo maintain and enhance quality elementary and middle ... independent oversight and no money for administrators?--$98.00$1,100,000
FFCity of Millbraeterm limitsShall the City Council term limit ordinance be updated ... than three successive four-year terms be approved?-- 
GGBurlingame Elementaryparcel taxTo maintain excellent education for Burlingame students ... for administrators, and all funds staying local?--$0.14/improved sqft; cap:$2,500; $25.00 unimproved$3,600,000
HHBayshore ElementaryProp 39 bondTo improve the quality of education; upgrade classroom ... money for salaries and all money staying local?$12,500,000$30.00$25,200,000
IIPescadero Municipal Advisory CouncilcharterShall the Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council's ... initial two-year terms commencing January 1, 2025?-- 
JJCity of East Palo AltocharterTo fund tenant rental assistance and other specified ... approximately $1.45 million annually, be adopted?-- 
RM4Bay Area Regional Housing Finance AuthorityProp 5 bondBAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing ... independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?$20,000,000,000$19.00$48,000,000,000

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