Sign Up as a Watchdog -- California School Bonds Clearinghouse
Are you a good listener? Keep your ear to the ground and let us know. Sign Up                                        FPPC Complaint Workshop. Teleconference: First Wednesday of every month, except holidays. Next workshop: 2024-12-04. Registration required.                                        
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What Am I Signing Up For?


If you just want updates, then use the simple form at the top of every page. Updates are sent occasionally and are intended for broad public awareness. Getting updates does not grant you access to the private portions of this site.


Member access, on the other hand, gets you access to different areas of the private portions of the site. Signing up to be a member is a request for access. It involves a screening process to keep out, as much as feasible, spies and tire-kickers. Members have the ability to get access to a lot of information that isn't easily or conveniently accessible anywhere else on the Internet. Members also can contribute data and information.

Members can also collaborate with each other through the site.

ONLY MEMBERS who are local to you can see the information you provide below. Those members are all vetted before gaining access.


Elements that have changed.

Elements that have changed.
Member Application
Personal Information
E-mail: If you're using a spam blocking service, please white list walnutwatchdogs+bbbch[at]
First Name: The other members are real people. No fake names or handles.
Last Name: The other members are real people. No fake names or handles.
Land Line: Either a land line or a mobile number is required.
Mobile Phone: Either a land line or a mobile number is required.
School District Information
K-12 District(s): You may pick two. Hold down the [Ctrl] key, while clicking to pick more than one.
Community College District:  
Are you already active?If you're already involved politically, please list the names of the groups you feel most strongly about. For example, political party, taxpayer association, tea party, etc.
Interests / Skills / Expertise
I want to: Research opponents on the Internet Attend official meetings Speak to local groups Raise money locally Make telephone calls Enter data into database Gather public records Sign ballot argument Knock on doors Contact press Watch the polls on election day Create computer graphics Make and edit audio and video recordings Check as many of these as you'd like with the thought that you'll actually do these things. Don't overload yourself.
I'm good at: Using social media Using Excel / Google Docs Raising money Public records requests Conducting polls / surveys Transcribing documents and recordings Using Photohop Other members in your local area need to know what the pool of helpers is capable of. These would be things you could help out with in a pinch.
I can help weekly: In order to plan, other members need to know who is available to help.
Why do you want to be a member?We'd like to know how you think you'll benefit by becoming a member.
Anything else?Anything else you think would be helpful to know about you or questions.


Copyright © 2015-2025, Richard Michael. All Rights Reserved.